Hi everyone,
Is it possible to view a corresponding knimeDataTable by using Generic JavaScript View Node? If yes, can you please show how to do that?
Hi everyone,
Is it possible to view a corresponding knimeDataTable by using Generic JavaScript View Node? If yes, can you please show how to do that?
currently, there is no easy way to do this. There is no default view for the table available in the Generic JavaScript View. You would need to implement one by yourself (e.g. using an external library for the table visualization).
Thanks for the response @julian.bunzel
If I implement a table in Generic JS View Node, Is it possible that to allow any selection on this table like table editor or table view?
One last thing, Is there any suggestion for using external library in Generic JS?
it is possible but it would be a code-heavy implementation. However, it will be more straight-forward with the next KNIME version coming this summer.
I don’t really have a recommendation for an external library but D3.js could be worth checking out. I think there are some table visualizations next to other charts.
Another reference to have a look at would be the js code for the Table Viewer which can be found here.
Thanks @julian.bunzel,
I have tried to implement the code you mentioned in Generic JS Code, but nothing returns. Can you have any idea about tihs?
Hi @KKERROXXX & @julian.bunzel
To bring a possible answer to this question:
I used a while ago a very good library for handling tables in JS called (DataTables). It would be nice if adopted by KNIME as the JS “table plugin”.
This is an example of its rendering:
In terms of licencing “DataTables is free open source software, available under the MIT license, and you are free to download it and use as you see fit.”, as stated in their web site.
It is quite straightforward to use and really extremely powerful. Definitely I recommend to adopt it.
Hope this helps.
Thanks @aworker,
I am not a java-based person, but I need to do this at a point in my project. So, can you show me an example flow or example Generic JS node to explain this process?
Sorry for my late reply. As you can see in the following thread (Generic Java Script View node), it took longer than expected to set up a solution which eventually was brought by @AlexanderFillbrunn.
So an example of what you may need is available at the above link Generic Java Script View node.
Please be aware that still you would need to automatically convert the table you want to visualize into its equivalent XML format as required by DataTables JavaScript library, as shown here below for this example:
In this workflow, the table is already provided in XML format using a “Table Creator” node for simplicity:
Let us know if you would need more help, should this be too complicated to implement, and I (or other takers) will be happy to complet this part of the work.
Hope this helps.
I’m replying here to your question in this other thread because the other one is solved.
This is the part of work I was mentioning when I said:
I’m not aware of a KNIME node which could do this directly : convert a table into the HTML format as in the above example. May be somebody could advice on this. Otherwise you would need to implement it using a few basic KNIME nodes.
If nobody suggests a straighforward solution, I will implement it.
Hi @aworker,
Firstly, thank you for your answers.
I have added your workflow another datatable (from excel reader), and tried to show this table in your GJV Node, but throws and error
Test_Datatable.knar (163.1 KB)
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