Why is not there a keyboard shortcut for the output of a node?

Hi Knime users,

I’m new to Knime and still finding my way through this tool. Is there a fast way to see the output of a node without having to right-click and clicking at the end of the menu? I can’t find it if there is.

I would like to propose it as a feature if there isn’t, like “Space” or the middle mouse button (wheel). It could toggle between outputs if there are many, or open just a menu of outputs?

There must be a reason behind not having one already but I can’t imagine it so far. I wouldn’t be a major feature, but it would help while creating or debugging a workflow.



Hi @ijoel92,

Welcome to the forum! There are two things that I think you might find useful.

First) if you have a node selected and press Shift+F6 you’ll open the contents of the first output port. The key binding can be changed to whatever suits you under File > Preferences > Keys.

Second) The Node Monitor can be set to show a preview of the output of a whichever node you have selected. This will just change dynamically as you click around your workflow.

You can add the Node Monitor to your interface (it’s just a static window that sticks around all the time like the Node Repository) by selecting it under View > Other > Node Monitor at the top of the KNIME interface.

Hope this helps!


I didn’t know about the keys preferences!

Quick response and very useful. Great community! Thanks!!


Hah, well welcome to it.

I’ve changed my shortcut to space like you suggested. I wish I had thought to do that sooner!

It’s a great group here, enjoy your adventures with KNIME!


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