Contacting Software Sites has encountered a problem


We are unable to update Knime
Knime displays this error screen

I would like some help to solve this problem.


Hi @ricardoahoriens and welcome to the forum. :slight_smile: I moved your question to its own topic to help keep the forum tidy.

Usually this is an issue that your IT team will have to help you resolve. Fortunately, it’s common enough that we made a short video about it to help you. Take a look:

If you have more questions please followup here.

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When I’ve had this error in the past, I simply remove the “s” from “https” in the site settings and it works fine.

Your mileage may vary


Excellent suggestion @snowy, I always forget to propose the simplest possible solution for this case :sweat_smile:

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Good morning!

following your instructions. I managed to solve the problem.

Thank you very much


Spent the last 4-5 hours trying to figure it out. This worked. Thanks for the suggestion. You are a saviour.


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