I want to calculate IRR within Knime but I do not know how to install the R packages and how to script. I downloaded workflows from other Knime topics but they won’t work as I don’t have the packages installed.
Can someone help me with a video or something as this will make my life easier instead of exporting the data from Knime, calculating IRR in Excel and them loading the data into Knime again.
I think in the first instance it may help if I knew how to install the required packages. When I run a workflow with the IRR I am looking for it keeps returning this error.
Hi @gonhaddock thanks for the response. I’ve had a look at that same workflow and that only seems to output just one IRR whereas I need mine to output an IRR for each row in my data.
Here’s my (edited) workflow 20220321_IRR – KNIME Hub
Hope it helps, but I must warn you: it’s more of an exercise. It takes nearly 4 minutes to process your 20 rows You may probably speed it up.
Thanks for this much appreciated. I agree it does take some time considering I have to around 3000 rows to go through but it solves my problem for now until I can get this R package installed. Is there a way I can speed this up by any chance? If not, then thats fine
Unfortunately I have no idea at the moment. I’ll keep you posted if I can think of any good solutions.
I suggest you feed the workflow with many small files, just to limit the risk of malfunctioning.
I’m sure that the best solution would be a script in Python (I can write that) or in R.
“Best” in terms of speed, I mean
From the picture that you are sharing, the workflow that you downloaded is an early prototype.
You can find the latest and debugged version at the following post in the forum. Some of the details on the accuracy are commented here. Unfortunately some version updates broke the related links, and they cannot be edited back.
Thank you! I finally installed it and managed to get that sample IRR workflow to work on my machine. Now all I need to do is get help with how to actually create code to get the same outputs for my workflow
This comment was referred to the old discussion. In the shared post the links work as expected.
I will have a look into it. Meanwhile, you just have to transpose your data, as the time series are assumed to be a column in the workflow… and your data ‘Property Ref’ rows, are the projects id that are expected to be the column headers.
Then if your rows are as many as you mentioned, you will have to run it in tranches (!)