Hi knime Experts
Anyone can help me out of this …
@manojmadhu you can use an R package “readODS” to read and write ODS files
Thanks for sharing this sir
I want to know this use in python
can you help me ?
@manojmadhu this is also possible to read (and write) ODS file with Python and KNIME:
Thank you for you replay sir
I want to ask one more thing …How to use aposecell in knime we try to import that but some error coming
@manojmadhu glad you liked the example.
I have never used this package although I have done a few things with Excel and KNIME with the help of OpenPyxl.
You could try and see if you could employ aposecell in a similar way. Maybe you have and example of waht you want to do. Some dummy data and Python code maybe.
Also there are some Excel community nodes that might be interesting:
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