@qdmt I might be able to take a look at your example later. In the meantime you might want to explore these examples - although they use H2 standalone database:
Insert new data in database from local file
@RIchardC I put together a (hopefully) complete example using H2 and the Northwind database with customerid.
Here we first create a database with a customerid as a primary key (randomly selected from the central DB). Then every 10 seconds another random batch gets drawn. Existing customerid will be updated. Then the workflow determines which customerid are new and would insert them. If a row is inserted initially a timestamp first_inserted will be stored. Then with every update another timestam…
DB Update in a Database
@summer_le I create an example how to UPDATE data within the database. In this case a H2 Db . The exact syntax might differ if you use it on another Db system.
In this case in oder for the UPDATE … SET syntax to work a VIEW is being created that would do a LEFT JOIN between the old and the new data (of course you could just use that also).
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