KNIME Analytics Platform Version 5 Early Access Release Feedback

I tried to use this new UI but I had to switch back because I can’t do my work with this.

I like that when you click on a node, you see the table at the bottom of the screen – but this pane is less usable compared to earlier versions of Knime. In Knime <5 I could right-click and see the table, and do this for any number of nodes at the same time. How do you open multiple views like this to see multiple node results ? I need to be able to compare.

Also this view is in the bottom pane and so limited to that tiny window. Maybe I can see 10 rows but then have to scroll in all directions.

Maybe I have bad settings here ? What am I doing wrong here ?


I agree with you. This new UI is a huge step backwards. Maybe its done to be oversimplified for new users – so maybe that can be like a basic perspective or view. But the old UI was better, despite some of the shortcomings, because those shortcomings are all here in this new UI too.

This new UI to me doesn’t make proper use of space on the screen. Huge fonts, too much padding and spacing between things. For example, the repository is a huge pane now, but mostly with white space.


New interface looks nice, but without ability to “View” node: HiLite Row Splitter is useless because i can’t hilite.

Hey @dtuz,

can you elaborate a bit more? It should be possible to select points in the new view nodes and get the selected rows with the HiLite Row Splitter.


I would like to restate a concern that I raised before about the new interface for node selection. I have attached an image to illustrate my point. The old interface has a clear and organized list view with categories, which makes it easy to read and select the nodes. The new interface, on the other hand, has a cluttered and confusing layout, with no apparent sorting logic or spacing. The nodes are too far apart to each other and hard to distinguish. I find this very inconvenient and frustrating unless i am missing something?

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