I just downloaded the latest updates (Palladian and Spellchecker.) Now KAP 5.3.2 Windows can’t find my workspace. I’ve got my workspace installed in a non default folder. Its always worked in the past. If I try “Switch Workspace” KNIME closes. This is really frustrating.
Thanks. I saw those posts. Just point out the problem with no fix. I’m dead in the water. I’m tired of taking my life in my hands with every update. @ScottF
@qqilihq I uninstalled the Palladian extensions and the problem was no longer there it seems. So there might be indications that it is indeed these extensions.
I re-installed Palladian. After the first re-start everything was fine but with the next one the problem started to appear (again).
Palladian for KNIME ws.palladian.nodes.feature.feature.group palladian.ws