If I go into the python script and only run the first few lines with “Run selected lines” (just reading the input tables and variables) it runs indefinitely. If I cancel it gives the error “There is no active python session in progress”.
My python configuration is Bundled and I had been using Anaconda in the Conda configuration. I’ve tried uninstalling conda and reinstalling miniconda, no success. I tried to remove the conda config completely and use only the bundled python, no success. I’ve tried to change the python config to manual, no success.
It looks like we forgot to add the correct lower bound of a dependency. Could you check what version of “KNIME Analytics Platform” you have installed (in the modern UI under Help -> About -> Installation Details)?
If there are updates for the “KNIME Analytics Platform” extension available, could you try installing these?
Hello @carstenhaubold , let me jump in
I’m still having this issue
I am suspecting that there is something to do with the Python Integration v3.5.2 being installed on the KNIME Analytics Platform (AP) v5.3.1
I’ve just finished this test:
KNIME AP v5.3.1 + Python v3.5.2 = this error
KNIME AP v5.3.2 + Python v3.5.2 = no error at all
Can it be that setup 1 should have python on the same version?
I can’t be on KNIME AP v5.3.2 because the server is on v5.3.1 and if I upload to KNIME Hub, I can’t run the flow online.
How can I install Python integration v5.3.1 on my KNIME AP v5.3.1.?
Thanks for testing the different combinations and confirming what I suggested.
But you’re totally right, if you have a 5.3.1 install that you cannot update, then installing the Python Integration in version 5.3.1 will get you to a working state again.
In the “Install extensions” dialog there is a checkbox saying “Only show the latest version of the available software”. If you untick that you should be able to select an older version.
I seem to have a similar issue. I had updated my KAP locally from 5.2.5 to 5.3 but because the version on our server was still 5.2.5, I had to install the 5.2.5 again and then install the Python integration extension again.
Now I am getting this error as well.
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.knime.core.data.util.memory.ExternalProcessMemoryWatchdog cannot be found by org.knime.python3_5.2.6.v202410081551
Thanks @carstenhaubold, I had the same issue and had to go back to my previous version (basically to match my knime AP version and Python Integration extension version) to get this sorted.
I know that this has been fixed with the more recent releases - however I came across this when working on a client project where 5.2.5 had to be used.
I managed to use Python w/o error by using this workaround:
Unistall faulty Python extension Help => About KNIME Analytics Platform => Select Python Integration => Uninstall
After a restart go to Preferences => Install / Update => Available Software Sites => Edit KNIME releases/2023-12 Update Site ==> Replace /5.2/ with /5.1/ (see red box) ==> Apply and close
Install Extensions => Search for Python Integration => You will now see V5.1 => Install and restart
Note: It looks like from 5.1 to 5.2. Python Script etc. were upgraded to modern UI and probably support for K-AI was added… the 5.1 version will have old UI w/o K-AI support, but at least it is running…
I could not find a way to change get anything else other than the 5.26 version of Python Integration, which seems to be the culprit.
Needless to say that it is always better to upgrade to latest version, but in case that is not possible, I’m posting this as a temporary workaround just in case others are stuck with this specific version because IT takes some time to “upgrade”