"Shape file Polygon Reader" nodes gives NullpointerException

I downlaoded shape files from Census site and trying to read them in with Ploygon reader and it gives me a this error

"ERROR Shapefile Polygon Reader 0:1        Execute failed: ("NullPointerException"): null"

Any idea y this is hapenning ?




Dear Mohammed,

this is resolved in the latest nightly built.

Thank you for noticing!

Best, Iris 

Knime Team,

Help! Can you please check / re-apply the same nightly build fix you applied here.

I am getting the same error reported above:
“ERROR Shapefile reader 0:1 Execute failed: (“NullPointerException”): null”

Everything was working fine until recent Knime updates.

I upgraded to Knime 4.5 - but the error remained, and so I did a clean-install downgrade to Knime 4.4 - but the problem persisted.

I also notice the trusted shapefile extension seems to have been removed (ref: Shapefile Extension (trusted extension) | KNIME). Perhaps this means Knime no longer has geospatial / shapefile functionality? (It’s critical to my project, so it would be handy for clarification).

Many thanks

Correction / update:
(I upgraded to 4.4.1, not 4.5). I’ve tried a few extensions, including Knime Geospatial - they all give the same error when reading a shapefile or geojson.

Having the same issue in 4.5. Any updates? Also tried the nightly build site which is now older than the current release.