Knime Extentions list - Did i miss something?

Hi All

So i carried out my 4.2 update this morning.
The experience was for the most part painless. The installer removes the previous version and when Knime re-installed it opened up looking just how i last left it.

The pain point came with the extensions.
Now i did my best to note down the extensions i needed to re-install, however i very obviously missed some.

While i get the need to re-install the extensions, i can’t find a way to easily view the list of extensions that i had installed (i.e. not part of the standard install).

Did i miss something?

May i also suggest to K-Devs that it may be worthwhile exploring a way to identify installed extensions and prompt the user on install if they wishto re-install them. This would make the re-install a lot smoother,.

I’m also thinking about this form a client perspective, i foresee days where we are helping clients remember what extensions they need…

As a journey to happy path, in the interim, even a simple text file export of installed extensions would be useful, then we can re-install manually, but at least i know what i need in one go…

Thanks for the update, going to have some fun giving the new features a test drive now :slight_smile:



Hi Gavin,

Thanks for the input. I agree it’s a bit tedious to do a full new install as opposed to perform an upgrade instead. We try to keep the upgrade path open between feature releases of KNIME but some times this isn’t possible for various reasons (this time it was an upgrade of the underlying technologies, i.e. Java & Eclipse).

In any case. You can retrieve the list of installed extensions in your old KNIME installation by
Help -> About KNIME AP -> Installation Details -> Installed Software -> Multi-Select all items (“Ctrl/Mac-A”) -> right click & copy.

– Bernd


Beautiful! Thank you

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